Augusto Castrillon, MD
Primary Care Provider (Adults and Adolescents)

"I believe to improve quality of care you must develop a strong patient-provider relationship."
Augusto A. Castrillon, MD is a board-certified family physician with over 25 years of experience treating patients of all age groups and diverse ethnicities. Dr. Castrillon received his medical degree from Technological of Pereira University in Colombia, South America where he was born, and he speaks fluent English and Spanish. His experience practicing in outpatient and specialty clinics and also teaching pharmacology at the medical school level has helped him to work with individuals and resolve patients’ unique concerns. As an educator, he is a firm believer that education is part of all of his treatment plans.
When he is not caring for his patients, Dr. Castrillon enjoys traveling with his family, reading, and listening to music.
When he is not caring for his patients, Dr. Castrillon enjoys traveling with his family, reading, and listening to music.

"I believe to improve quality of care you must develop a strong patient-provider relationship."
Augusto A. Castrillon, MD is a board-certified family physician with over 25 years of experience treating patients of all age groups and diverse ethnicities. Dr. Castrillon received his medical degree from Technological of Pereira University in Colombia, South America where he was born, and he speaks fluent English and Spanish. His experience practicing in outpatient and specialty clinics and also teaching pharmacology at the medical school level has helped him to work with individuals and resolve patients’ unique concerns. As an educator, he is a firm believer that education is part of all of his treatment plans.
When he is not caring for his patients, Dr. Castrillon enjoys traveling with his family, reading, and listening to music.
Technological University of Pereira
Residency: Jamaica Hospital
Family Medicine